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Meet the Team: Margaux

Hey Margaux! Can you tell us a bit about yourself - your personal journey and career background?

Hi, I’m Margaux - 25 years old, Aquarius (Aquarius Rising & Leo Moon)... just kidding - but not really.

For the majority of my life, I’ve grown up in Sydney - with my wonderful immediate family of 5, living overseas in the UK for 4 years in the mid-2000s.

I studied a BA & International Relations at the Australian National University - for 4.5 years, majoring in history & politics. It was a hectic time, the typical “college experience” but I returned back to Sydney with a degree in tow to re-plant my roots after some serious burnout.

My first role was working with the NDIS in Government contracts as a Jr. Account Manager - assisting Disability Service providers in accessing funding via NSW Education and State Training Services. This was part of an industry-wide initiative to recruit and upskill their workforce in response to the Royal Commission. I had always envisioned myself working in some form of the public sector - and I loved my role as it offered a tangibility to see positive changes in the lives of other people as a result of my work. There were parts of my job I loved - my team and the people in particular, but I knew there was some part of myself that wasn’t entirely satisfied. Roll on 2022… and here I am at the 152 Project (cue happy tears!)

What’s your wake-up routine and ritual?

I’d love to say I wake up at the crack of dawn, go for a walk around the Bay Run or commit to some form of exercise - but I really don’t.

My morning routine is on the slower side of things - I despise being rushed. So I always allow ample time to settle in, make my breakfast and a triple shot of morning coffee, shower/get changed, do my skincare and slap on a face of makeup.

I live with 3 wonderful roomies, so if I can sneak in a morning chit-chat, I’ll start the day happy!

Outside of The 152 Project - where can we find you?

I get a lot of enjoyment from a busy social life - so you will usually find me out and about on weekends till late and occasionally for a midweek pick me up.

Living in the Inner West, there are loads of fun bars and beer gardens (The Vic on the Park in Marrickville is a personal favourite ) - but really, anywhere that has some vibey music, long tables full of friends, and delicious food is my favourite way to spend my free time and where you’ll probably find me!

In the first 4 months of your role at the 152 Project - what have been some standout highlights or memories?

I am a BIG people person - so I have loved connecting with not only the 152 Team but also our clients and their teams. I am proud of the relationships (both professional and personal) I have built so far - particularly with Bec & Karina, so for me, that is something I look back on as a key highlight.

Other highlights include meeting Reg Mombassa (he’s awesome!), our 152 team shoot and getting to work with Ken Leanfore, reigniting my passion for writing through copywriting projects and Blog work for clients' websites and achieving some great runs on the board in the PR realm (with Becs help) across some pretty major publications.

What are some personal favourites in terms of brands that you would love the 152 Team to work with?

I’d love to work with brands like Fluff: Casual Cosmetics (@itsall.fluff) on Instagram. They’re an Aussie cosmetics company; their ethos is INCREDIBLY progressive for the industry they work in, their products are beautiful - and their Instagram aesthetic is *chef’s kiss*!

House of Hazar is also a small Australian home decor company who have extended into fashion/apparel - again for its aesthetics, as well as its intention to keep its products ethically and locally sourced.

Another dream client would be ‘Unyoked’ - again for their ethos, but I would love a discount to stay at one of their GORGEOUS tiny homes in the Victorian countryside.

If you could hop on the crisis comms for a celebrity or public figure - who would it be?

How JUICY is this question? I would love to hop on Britney Spears' Comms and PR. Her career has been riddled with some incredible highs and some pretty heavy lows. From her iconic 2007 meltdown to the exposure and eventual lifting of her decades-long conservatorship (#FREEBRITNEY), to her “unique” social media presence - it’s just a smorgasbord of entertainment, and I would love to be involved as part of her team in navigating and supporting her career.

If The 152 Project was a sandwich - what would it be?!

Easy. Not sure if this is allowed, but I am going to hijack S’WICH’s Schnitt Sandwich (an incredible eatery located in Bondi, I recommend all Sydney siders check it out). Chicken Schnitzel fillet, white cabbage, pickled red onion, mayo, sticky sweet chilli, peanut chilli crack and shallots.

Hearty, reliable, packs a punch, a little naughty and utterly memorable.

Describe yourself as an emoji.

💅 - I use this emoji regularly and probably in the wrong context! I just think it’s fabulous, shows a little sass, and you will also never catch me without a top-notch manicure.


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